2021 in numbers
- 278 MNOK Revenue: Lindvalls
- 169 MNOK Revenue: Brödernas
- 11 MNOK EBIT (adj): Lindvalls
- -8 MNOK EBIT (adj): Brödernas
- 9568 Production volume
- Gothenburg and Strömsnäsbruk Locations
- 91 No. of employees: Lindvalls
- 65 No. of employees: Brödernas
- 37 % Share of female employees: Lindvalls
- 15 % Share of female employees: Brödernas
- 12,5 % Share of female managers: Lindvalls
- 25 % Share of female managers: Brödernas
- 5.3 (3.9 / 1.4) % Sick leave: Lindvalls (Short term/long term)
- 7.3 (2.2 / 5.1) % Sick leave: Brödernas (Short term/long term)
Who we are
Brödernas and Lindvalls have been producing meat products of the highest, Swedish quality since 1928 and 1925 respectively. Together they have the number one position in the convenience hot dog market in Sweden. Products include cold cuts, sausages, and convenience hot dogs.
A snapshot of Brödernas and Lindvalls in 2021
Lindvalls and Brödernas have a tradition for being conscious about the use of energy and are low among the companies in the Scandza family.
In 2021, Lindvalls launched sausages without added sugar and preservatives. In addition, we launched sausages with half meat and half vegetables. Many of our customers buy our products at convenience stores. By introducing healthier alternatives we might nudge our customers to eat a little healthier on the go!
Brödernas and Lindvalls were ISO 14001 environmentally certified in 2021. The entire plant was mapped with regard to energy consumption. This formed the basis for investments that have been made to replace cooling plants, and a good reduction in energy consumption is expected from 2023. The goal is to reduce energy consumption by 20% and make both plants 100% fossil-free

Sustainability going forward
We have initiated and implemented several measures related to sustainability in recent years, and we can point to many measures with good results.
Going forward, we will work even more systematically to increase the range of healthier and more sustainable products, improve our own production and supply chain management. We will continue to track and report our progress in line with the requirements from Scandza. Furthermore we will run our business aligned with the Scandza governance framework and participate in all centrally organized initiatives.