Product packaging

There is significant potential to reduce downstream waste generation through improving product packaging.

Product packaging has several functions: protection, information, and enhanced product duration. Our mission is to develop environmentally friendly packaging that does not compromise on the level of protection or duration of the product. All brands are continuously working to reduce the amount of packaging in total . Through Plastløftet Scandza is committed to contribute to a more circular economy for plastic. Our goal is to reduce the volume of plastic used in packaging, and ensure that all packaging is recyclable, recycled and biodegradable by 2030. Throughout 2021, all new products’ packaging was designed with the aim of meeting the 2030 target. Still, the vast majority of our packaging is made from virgin plastic as access to recycled plastic material is limited. As the market for recycled plastic increases, we will continue to focus on cutting and/or replacing plastic with more environmentally friendly materials.

“From 2020 to 2021, our total consumption of paper, cardboard and plastics used for packaging decreased  by 9,9%. As our production volume increased during the same period, the intensity of our packaging consumption improved  by 16,4%.”

4,7% of the plastic used for packaging was made of recycled plastics in 2021, an increase from 3,5% in 2020.