Water consumption
Scroll downNone of Scandza’s production sites are sourcing water from water stressed areas, but we are conscious of our consumption of water and our treatment of the water we consume.
Reducing water usage is on the agenda on all our production sites and at some sites water reduction training has been implemented. We will keep focusing on water use reduction in 2022.
From our base year 2019 to 2021, our total water consumption from our production sites increased by 13,5%. As our production volume increased during the same period, the intensity of our water usage increased by 5,5%.
All production sites in Scandza work continuously to reduce the amount of waste and increase the material recovery of the waste generation. This also includes food waste. We work continuously to reduce edible food waste and we are working to find ways to separate edible food waste from non-edible food waste. We experience that very little edible food waste is thrown away, as this represents a valuable resource and lost income for us. However, finding a good and efficient way to measure the development of food waste is challenging.